Thesis, Dissertation, and Publication

Submission Process

Ladder resting against a bookcase full of books

The submission of a thesis or dissertation can seem daunting, but we are here to help. We have outlined the steps to what submission in your final semester will look like.


You must submit a degree application in ONE.UF BEFORE you can submit a document for review by the Thesis, Dissertation, and Publication team. This submission usually takes a day or two to be updated in GIMS and allows you to submit your document to us, so plan ahead and submit your degree application as early as you can!

Please be aware that during the summer semester, the University's degree application deadline falls after the doctoral first submission deadline. However, you still must have a degree application on file in order to successfully make the first submission to our office.


This is the last day to sign into GIMS in order to upload your fully formatted doctoral dissertation in PDF format. Your dissertation must be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m. on this day in order to graduate this semester. The following items are due by this date:

  • A degree application
  • Your formatted doctoral dissertation as a PDF file
  • A transmittal letter (submitted in GIMS by your department)

Please note: As a doctoral student, you must orally defend your dissertation by the Final Submission deadline. You are not required to defend prior to submitting your dissertation for the First Submission.


You should submit your fully formatted master's thesis as PDF file to our office for review by this deadline at 5:00 p.m. in GIMS. We recommend submitting as soon as you successfully pass your oral defense. Once you have successfully completed your oral defense, your department should submit your final exam form into SIS. The following items are due at this date:

  • A degree application
  • Your formatted master’s thesis as a PDF file
  • Final exam form (submitted in GIMS by your department)

Please note: As a master’s thesis student, you must orally defend prior to making your First Submission. Your final exam form will need to be posted in SIS by your department in order for you to be able to make First Submission in GIMS.


This deadline occurs at 5:00pm and is the last day to make your first attempt at final acceptance by our team. As soon as your ETD Signature Page has been signed by the full committee and posted to GIMS, you should submit your final document for review by our office. You will not be able to submit without the ETD Signature Page submitted first. In order to complete this step, you must have successfully completed First Submission. Items due at this date include:

Additional items for PhD students include:

Please note: If you are unable to meet the Final Submission deadline requirements but did successfully complete the First Submission you may be eligible to Clear Prior to the upcoming term. See below for more information about Clear Prior.


This is the last day for you to achieve final approval and acceptance of your thesis or dissertation by our team. Your thesis or dissertation must be accepted by 5:00 p.m. on this deadline in order for you to graduate this semester. In order to complete this step, you must have successfully completed First Submission and Final Submission.


If you missed the Final Submission deadline, Clear Prior may be an option for you. Clearing Prior allows you to be exempt from registration requirements of the Graduate School* in your final term (the term in which you will graduate).

This deadline occurs at 5:00 p.m. and is the last day to achieve final approval and acceptance by our team with the intent of graduating during the upcoming semester with a waiver of the final-term registration requirements and fees for that semester. In order to complete this step, you must have successfully completed First Submission, you may have missed either the Final Submission and/or Final Clearance deadline.

Please note: As you are required to achieve approval and acceptance of your thesis or dissertation by this deadline, we recommend submitting the document at least 5 business days in advance of this deadline.

*Other offices may have different final term registration requirements (such as international students on visa or students on graduate assistantship). Check with them for the specific requirements of their departments.

In order to be eligible to Clear Prior, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Successfully submitted a degree application in ONE.UF in the current term
  • Have appropriately satisfied the current-term registration requirements
  • Met the First Submission deadline for thesis or dissertation submission
  • Met all other degree and administrative requirements, within the published deadlines for the current term, except Final Submission and/or Final Clearance
  • Be in the process of finalizing your thesis or dissertation with our office