Preparing Future Faculty 

The Preparing Future Faculty program welcomes graduate students and postdocs from all University of Florida departments, aiming to equip them for diverse academic career paths. The program emphasizes understanding faculty roles in various institutions, refining evidence-based teaching abilities, and growing your mentoring network.

Women Lead 

Women Lead is a semester-long leadership development program for early career scholars, offering interactive workshops, mentoring, and networking to prepare them for leadership roles in various career sectors. This program includes weekly virtual workshops and ongoing mentoring and networking assignments.

Writing Program 

The Writing Program offers free professional development and community support for graduate students working on various writing projects. It utilizes small discussion groups to cultivate effective writing habits and is open to participants actively engaged in writing-related tasks such as theses, dissertations, research papers, and more.

Job Search Series

The Graduate School, Career Connections Center, and IFAS/CALS Department of Agronomy organize events tailored for late-stage graduate students and postdocs, with a primary emphasis on non-academic career opportunities. Some content covered in these events may also be relevant to those pursuing academic job searches.


Career Exploration 

Beyond the Professoriate is an online platform for graduate students and postdocs, offering two study programs, Academic Careers, and Professional Careers, to help them explore career opportunities and develop effective job search strategies. Additionally, the platform provides a video library featuring insights from PhDs across various career sectors.

Workshop Series 

We provide weekly workshops year-round where participants can enhance the six core competencies essential for graduate student development. These events are inclusive and open to all, including students, postdocs, faculty, and staff.

Bouchet Symposium 

The symposium provides an opportunity for faculty across various disciplines to share their dynamic approach to modeling excellence in their research while promoting a collective awareness of how researchers, educators, and citizens can embody Character, Leadership, Advocacy, Scholarship, and Service in the multiplicity of our different roles and day-to-day life. 

Wellness Wednesdays   

Join us for Wellness Wednesday sessions, a collaborative effort by our Graduate Student Success Center and GatorWell Health Promotion Services on campus! Each session will delve into a unique mindfulness technique, aiming to assist you in finding your center and maintaining balance during stressful times. Look for the announcements!

Dissertation Writing Bootcamp 

Join our dissertation writing workshop, which involves 4 hours of dedicated writing each day, spanning a total of 5 days. Before the writing camp, participants will design a personalized writing plan with specific objectives for the upcoming two weeks. During the camp, attendees will come together for 4-hour sessions of focused writing, complete with complimentary food and beverages. To foster motivation and productivity, participants will articulate their goals at the start and wrap-up of each workshop. Be on the lookout for the announcements. 


Writing Bootcamp

This writing development bootcamp aims to equip participants with the knowledge and resources needed to effectively structure and write a literature review, making this complex task more manageable and comprehensible. The session's learning objectives include distinguishing between the processes of conducting and writing a literature review, acquiring tools for organizing multiple research sources, and identifying the key components of a literature review.